Not an animator or an artist, and in need of some animations for your game? Don’t despair right now; this tutorial will help you with How to bring Mixamo Animations To Unreal 4/5
We have recompiled some of the best tutorials that teach you how to import Mixamo Animations into the Unreal Game Engine.
How to bring Mixamo Animations to Unreal 4 & 5
What is Mixamo, and how can it be used in games?
Are you getting started in game development? Looking for character models and animations? Try Mixamo – a quick Google search will lead you there. With such an obscure name, you’ll undoubtedly have some questions. What is it, and can I use it for my game?
Mixamo is a web-based software that gives you free access to characters, animations and auto-rigging tools that you can use in your game.
It is a very useful software and in this article we will explain how it works and how you can use it in your game.

What is Mixamo?
Mixamo is an online database of characters and mo-cap animations for art projects, movies and games that is accessible to everyone.
It is a very user-friendly program aimed at people who have little or no experience with creating characters and animations. However, it is by no means a simple software that can do much more. It is particularly suitable for indie game developers who want to create high-quality animations on a budget.
Is Mixamo free of charge?
Yes, it is free! If you’re like me, you’re probably wondering what the problem is. How can you justify offering such a service for free?
First, Mixamo belongs to Adobe, the owner of Photoshop. They are in a position to provide this kind of service.
Second, you have to sign up for a free account, and I think the price is that you can potentially be advertised to. In my opinion, that’s a very low price.
As you can see on the website, you can use it for both personal and commercial purposes.
It is possible that you will have to pay for this service in the future, but we have been offering it for free for years.
What game engines are supported by Mixamo?
Mixamo supports most game engines, including Unreal Engine and Unity. With Mixamo, you can simply download an FBX file, a standard 3D model format, and then create, texture, and animate your character in one go! Mixamo makes it easy by allowing you to download an FBX file, which is a standard 3D model format. By doing so, your character will be ready to go with rigging, texturing, and animation included.
It’s also great that it supports most 3D programs, including Blender, Zbrush, and Substance Painter.
How Mixamo can be used in games
When it comes to game development, Mixamo offers three main functions. These are character models, animation and auto-rigging tools. All of them are specifically designed for games.
Character models
Mixamo comes with a wide range of optimized game models that can be rigged and animated instantly.
While these placeholders may be suitable for game development, they lack the distinctiveness required for commercial purposes due to their wide accessibility to many individuals.
For this reason, a character creation software called Adobe Fuse was developed, but it has since been discontinued. You may be able to access this program, but please note that Adobe no longer provides support for it, as mentioned in this Adobe article.
Mocap Animation
Mixamo has a large library of Mocap animations that you can use for free. Along with the auto-trigger, this is where Mixamo really shines.
The Mocap animation library is a great resource. I’m not much of an animator, so I’ve been using the Mocap animation library for a while now. It makes it very easy and quick to download these animations and use them in the game engine.
There are animations for walking, running, squinting sideways, walking backwards, running and many other movements. Everything you need to put animations together and create convincing motion animations for games.
Thousands of animations to choose from.
Auto-rigging tools
In our opinion, this is where Mixamo really shines. You can upload your own 3D game models to the limited model library. The tool will automatically align them for use in your game.
A rig is basically a skeleton of a mesh. This skeleton determines how the mesh will be deformed. That is, when you move the skeleton, the mesh moves with it. This is necessary for the animation; the animation just shows the direction you want the skeleton to move.
It’s really easy to do. Just upload your mesh and drag a circle where the rigger tells you to. Mixamo takes care of the rest, and with any luck, one of Mixamo’s extensive animation libraries will work like magic.

Can Mixamo manipulate and animate animals?
Unfortunately, no. The rigging tools are not optimized for this and there are no animations available in the library.
However, it is possible to create a 4-legged humanoid model of a dog (sorry, that’s old, it’s The Simpsons).
Can Mixamo be used to add or edit animations?
Yes, rigged figures can be exported to 3D software like Blender. However, the rig must be the same as the one created in Mixamo. It is possible to create and edit animations for export to game engines.
You can use the provided animations as a base and improve and customize them as you like.
Is it possible to edit Mixamo models?
You can import them into other software such as Blender, Substance Painter or Zbrush and customize them as you like. Then you can import them back into Mixamo if needed, customize the rig, and they’re good as new.
Are a set of animations tied to a model?
No, they aren’t. Using a method called retargeting, the same animation can be applied to all models that have a rig created in Mixamo. This is very handy and saves time.
Of course, you can also create cool flash mobs with your favorite characters.
Is the Mixamo library updated?
Adobe updates its animation library and keeps it up to date. So, it seems that Adobe will not stop supporting Mixamo in the near future.
It is a free tool, that has become almost indispensable for game development. Not only is it a great tool for beginners, but it’s also very easy to use even if you have no experience with animation. If you have experience with 3D pipelines, you can make countless changes to your models and animations.
1 – Mixamo to Unreal by Matt Aspland
This video will be showing you how to download a character and animations from mixamo, and import these into Unreal Engine 4. Mixamo is full of loads of great, free, and copyright free characters and animations for you to use in your games.
Mixamo: https://www.mixamo.com/#/
1.1 – Mixamo To Unreal’s Timestamps.
00:00 – Intro
00:33 – Mixamo
07:30 – Unreal Engine
10:30 – Final Overview
10:43 – Outro
2. Mixamo to Unreal Engine 4 by Smart Poly
In this tutorial we will go over what Mixamo is, how to download animations, and re-target them for any character you have.
This is episode 4 on a Unreal Engine 4 Complete Beginners Guide.
3 – How to import Mixamo animations to your UE4 project
In this video we will go through the steps needed to get an animation into UE4 from Mixamo.
Download UE4 Mixamo mannequin: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/fo…
3.1 – Video Timestamps
00:00 – Intro
00:50 – Download UE4 Mixamo character
01:11 – Upload character to Mixamo
02:34 – Download animation form Mixamo
04:56 – Import character and animation to UE4
06:40 – Retarget animations to normal UE4 skeleton
11:00 – Outro
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