The Indie Game Developer Handbook

The Indie Game Developer Handbook: An honest review and Highlights

The Indie Game Developer Handbook“is a very comprehensive guide to help independent game developers in to being able to understand the different stages associated with game development and help them overcome most of the common challenges that could be faced during the process of creating an indie game.

The Indie Game Developer Handbook
The Indie Game Developer Handbook

The Indie Game Developer Handbook

The book covers a wide range of topics including: game design, programming, marketing and monetisation.

Book Topics Highlights

Some of the key topics covered by the book are:

Game Design:

It provides advice on how to design and develop engaging games, including tips on creating game concepts, mechanics and levels.

The book provides a detailed guide on how to approach the game design process, starting with the creation of game main concepts and ideas. It also emphasises the importance of understanding targets audience and market as to be able of developing a game that will be appealing and successful to the targeted players.

The book also covers various aspects associated with game mechanics, including player interactions, mechanics driving gameplay, and rules that govern the game world. It gives some advices on how to correctly design game levels, including level layout, pacing and player progression.

Finally, the section focused on the need for implementing an iterative design, testing and refinement to create a polished and enjoyable game. In addition, the book offers tips on working with a team and collaborating on game design, as well as strategies for soliciting feedback from players to continually improve game design.

The Indie Game Developer Handbook
The Indie Game Developer Handbook

Game Programming:

Covering the basics of programming, including how to choose a programming language and development tools, as well as tips on optimising performance and debugging.

This section provides a high level and comprehensive guide to the basics of programming focused on game development. It covers some key topics such as choosing the right programming language and development tools for the specific needs of the game being developed.

The section also provides tips and best practices for optimising performance and debugging code, which are critical to delivering a high-quality and stable game. These topics are designed to help game developers to get a strong foundation in programming as to be able to apply their skills effectively into the game development process.

The main focus of the section is on providing practical advice and resources that can help indie game developers overcome common programming challenges and create successful games.

The Indie Game Developer Handbook - Example of successful indie game - CELESTE
The Indie Game Developer Handbook – Example of successful indie game – CELESTE


It provides a set of advices on how to market and promote indie games, including tips on building a fan base, using social media, and approaching media and influencers.

This section deals with the importance of marketing for indie game developers that wants to be successful. It provides insight and advice on how to effectively market and promote indie games to reach the right audience and create a buzz able to get the game noticed over the overdose of games being released on a daily basis.

Some of the key topics covered in this section are:

  • Building a fanbase: It emphasises the importance of building a community of fans and supporters around your game, and provides tips on how to do this. This includes engaging with fans on social media, running competitions and offering early access to the game.
  • Social Media: It provides advice on how to effectively use social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to promote your game. This includes creating a strong online presence, connecting with other game developers and players, and using targeted advertising.
  • Reaching out to the media and influencers: It explains how to approach media outlets, such as gaming websites and YouTube channels, and influencers, such as Twitch streamers, to get coverage for your game. This includes creating a press kit, writing a compelling pitch, and building relationships with media contacts.
  • Other marketing strategies: It also covers other marketing strategies, such as using trailers, screenshots and demos to showcase your game, and attending gaming events and conventions to meet gamers and the media.


It provides guidance on how to make money from indie games, including tips on creating and pricing premium games, using in-app purchases and advertising.

The sections covers the strategies and methods for making a profit from indie games or if not possible at least minimize the losses as to allow you to keep trying to make your game moving forward.

The section provides insight into the various options available to indie game developers, such as creating premium games and selling them at a set price, using in-app purchases to generate revenue from within the game, and using advertising as a monetisation strategy.

It also provides advice on how to create pricing models that balance monetisation with the overall user experience, and tips on how to effectively implement in-app purchases and advertising in a way that does not detract from the player’s enjoyment of the game.

Finally, the section also discusses the importance of understanding the market and competition, and provides guidance on how to stay ahead of the curve in terms of monetisation trends and best practices.

Teams and collaboration:

Where it discusses the importance of building and managing a team, including tips on hiring and managing talent, communicating effectively, and working with contractors and outsourcing partners.

The Teams and Collaboration section emphasises on the importance of assembling a dedicated and skilled team to work on your game’s project.

It covers the different and various aspects of building a team, such as finding the right people to hire, managing talent, and communicating effectively within the team. It also provides meaningful advices on working with contractors and outsourcing partners, which can be an effective way of bringing additional expertise to the project, and that will increase the risks associated with the project.

The section also emphasises on the need for open communication and effective collaboration between team members as to ensure a smooth and successful development process.

Finally, it also discusses the importance of establishing clear roles and responsibilities for each of the team members working on the game, as well as the need for a well-defined project plan able to to keep development on track, and to manage accordingly any gap that could happen during the process.

Legal and Business Considerations:

It provides advice on legal and business considerations, including tips on protecting intellectual property, setting up a company and managing finances.

  • The Legal and Business Considerations section provides advice and tips on navigating the legal and financial aspects of running an indie game development business. It covers many different topics such as
  • Protecting Intellectual Property, which explains the importance of protecting your game’s intellectual property, including trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets.
  • Setting up a company, which provides guidance on choosing the right legal structure for your business, such as a sole proprietorship, limited liability company (LLC), or corporation.
  • Managing finances, which covers important financial considerations for indie game developers, such as budgeting, accounting, and tax planning.
  • Contract Negotiations, which provides advice on negotiating and executing contracts with partners, contractors and investors.
  • Licensing agreements, for which the section discusses the importance of understanding and negotiating licences for technology, software and other assets used in the development process.

This section is specifically designed to help indiegame developers clearly understanding the legal and financial side of running a business/company , so they can make informed decisions and avoid potential pitfalls or problems of not knowing on how to operate a legal society.

In overall and from a high level point of view , The Indie Game Developer Handbook provides a large set of valuable information and practical tips to help independent game developers succeed in the competitive world of game development and try to help them reduce ( if possible ) the probabilities of failure.

Book Review

The book gives an overview of how to start a business as an independent game developer, introduces game engines, and gives information on game development, marketing, funding, and legal and tax issues.

Most of the contents in this book can be found online (for free), but finding them consolidated into a clear and harmonized story makes it special and very useful for developers that may know part of the knowledge, but not yet enough as to related it with other important topics.

One of the most useful things in this book is probably the interviews the author had with several independent game studios:, and by strengthened by the fact that he always asked them the same questions: what kind of games they made, what tools they used for development, and what marketing tools they used for their games. etc.

Unfortunately, the handbook is somewhat outdated (2015), for example, the game pricing engine has changed, Steam Greenlight no longer exists, as well as some of the sites the author writes about.

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The Indie Game Developer Handbook
The Indie Game Developer Handbook

We will be trying to revieve more books focused into game development, so don´t forget for come back to our blog on regular basis.

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